This Somatic Movement Flow® is called Beads on a Necklace. The self-care video below offers step-by-step instructions with intent to help the practitioner erase pain and stiffness in the muscles of the back, improve posture, hydrate vertebral discs, and bring mobility to the spine to ensure it is flexible enough to move in all directions comfortably. After the video, read on to learn how it works!
How does this work?

In this blog, let’s discuss how and why most people find “miraculous” immediate results in this Somatic Movement Flow!
First, an interesting fact… Did you know that Americans spend more than $50 billion a year on back pain? Back pain can be caused by a variety of problems, including injury to muscles attached to the vertebral column. And, unfortunately many traditional modalities (prescription medicine, surgeries, and gadgets to name a few) used to treat this condition offer temporarily relief to the symptoms but the pain eventually comes back.
In Gentle Somatic Yoga & Wellness we teach you how to reverse these conditions by going to the root of the cause of chronic pain/stiffness and repattern the brain-to-muscle connection for beneficial long-lasting results.
Next, highlighting some anatomy involved in this Flow: the erector spinae is a group of muscles that work together to extend the vertebral column and thus maintain good posture. The muscles are stimulated by the spinal nerves. Many of these muscles are small and susceptible to injury. This is compounded when muscles are tight and compress the nerves that pass through the spinal cord. This can lead to chronic pain and this can affect emotional equilibrium.

One of the uniqueness of this Somatic Movement Flow® is that participants are invited to isolate and articulate the muscles surrounding each vertebrate. The brain loves this challenge because slow, smooth, and mindful movements can release deep stress holding patterns held within muscles and repattern them back to their optimal length. In layman’s terms this means that you gain flexibility and mobility of the spine.
In conclusion, remember, the beneficial effects are cumulative the more you practice. Also, you can easily explore this Somatic Movement sitting in a chair.
See our Tips and Guidelines to enhance your success.
A thank you gift, from us to you, during the Holiday Season!

I’ve been getting emails recently from students across the globe inquiring about how to deepen their self-care practices, especially in this time of uncertainty. For this reason we decided to offer a two-for-one sale with our online courses – Level 1 “The Journey Begins” and Level 2 “The Journey Continues”…
In the first course you will learn 25+ Somatic Movement Flows (SMFs), and the second course adds an additional 28+ with a special focus on the energy body and emotions.
As mentioned above these Somatic Movement Flows are designed to go to the root cause of muscular pain & stiffness and unwind deep stress holding patterns within the body. For most, the results are immediate and include increased flexibility, strength, and better posture. Ultimately when the stress melts from your body it is replaced with an embodied sense of peace and well being.
These courses are packed full of videos that offer step-by-step instructions, explain the neuroscience, and offer tips and guidelines. The materials contained are great for the every-day person wanting tools to self-heal, as well as for the seasoned yoga teacher or bodyworker.
Certification is optional and can be purchased after completion of each level and must be purchased for each level.
The combined price of both levels is normally $1290 and we offer the bundle for $995.
We’re so thankful for your support and being a part of the Gentle Somatic family that we want to offer 50% off our bundle price of $995, brining the price to $497.50 for Level 1 and 2 combined for a limited time! Use the coupon code bundle at checkout to apply our gift!
If you have any additional questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Click HERE.
May the Holiday Season of 2020 bring happiness and joy to you and your loved ones.
James Knight, Founder of Gentle Somatic Yoga & Wellness
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